
DIY Paper mache' Easter eggs

April 03, 2012

These are the cutest eggs I have seen in a long time and super fun to make.  I made these last year and thought they were so cute I wanted to make them again.  This past weekend my sister-in-law Denise, and niece Katie whom I blogged about here, came to visit for the weekend.  I invited them to come visit for a girls DIY weekend.  My oldest sister who lives here in KC as well was able to join too.  We were able to finish three of the four projects that I had hoped we would complete.  So to say we were busy is an understatement.  We got right to the fun part Friday evening with dinner at a local mexican restaurant.   A little shopping for supplies or course (wink) and we were ready to hit the ground running Saturday morning.  the steps to make them are lengthy so bare with me. Trust me you will want to make these this week!!

Supplies needed:
  • water balloons 
  • white tissue paper (one sheet will make about three eggs)
  • colorful tissue paper (one sheet will make several eggs, so you don’t need much)
  • a 3/4 inch hole punch
  • an old paint brush you don’t care much about
  • liquid laundry starch
  • a shot glass to hold your egg while you’re working with it
  • a way to hang the balloons to dry (we used an old sweater drying rack)
  • clothes pins and wire hangers
  • enough time to let these dry overnight, and a few hours to let them dry after filling and sealing them
A paper cutter came in handy but it is not necessary
There were four of us making eggs so we needed a lot of balloons.  You would not use this many unless you are really ambitious!! 
First cut white tissue paper into the following sizes for each egg you’ll be making: one at 10″ x 5.5″, one at 10″ x 4.5″, two at 3.5″. These four sheets will be the base of the egg.  Then blow up as many balloons as you would like to make.
To create the polka dots I made squares of paper with holes in them which I applied over the white base. I cut a 1.5 inch strip of colored tissue, fold it in half, fold it in half again, then fold it in thirds. This made a square which could be punched all the way through with the paper punch. Then I cut each square off the strip. Two strips of tissue will be enough for one egg, three strips will cover two eggs.  I used the left over scraps of colored tissue to fill the small areas that did not get covered with my colored squares.  
TIP:  It will be helpful to have all your tissue paper cut and ready in advance.  We tried using gold and silver tissue paper as well.  It is thicker than normal tissue and didn't absorb the starch as well.  It took more brushing on of starch to get it to adhere to the balloon but did work just with more patiences.  Gold makes a nice look if you do a money egg, and the silver was pretty with the pink.
First apply the white tissue. I brushed wet starch onto my balloon. Take the 5.5″ tall sheet and wrap it around the widest part of the balloon, lining up the top so that it will reach the knot in the balloon. Dip your brush in the starch and brush the tissue from the middle up to the top, letting the tissue crinkle and gather. Now do the same brushing from the middle of the balloon down to the bottom. The bottom of this first layer will overlap itself, creating some strength there.
Apply the 4.5″ tall sheet next and do the same, then the  3.5″ tall sheets go last. I use these over the bottom of the egg. Now your ready for the colored squares.
To apply the color start at the top with the knot and overlap the squares covering as much white as you can as you go along. Since the surface of the balloon is still wet you can place a dry polka dot square where you’d like it, then smooth it down using the wet brush. This is where the shot glass comes in handy to hold the egg as you place the squares.  Once it is all covered, fill in the bare spots with scraps of tissue.  Then hang them by clothes pins to wire hanger in a safe place to dry.  Let them set over night if possible.  
To remove the balloon hold the knot and use a pin to make a small hole. Now wait until the balloon slowly deflates, they should release from the paper.  

To fill your eggs cut slits down from the hole in the top, making sure to avoid cutting over a polka dot. The papier-mache is flexible and this slit will give you room to add candy or treats.  
After you've filled the egg make a loop of string, I attached “For you” messages to mine, and stuff half of it in the egg. Now get your starch and colored tissue paper back out. Using a bit more tissue put two or three more layers over the opening and let it dry.

 All photos by Lisa

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