
Turquoise Denim

August 01, 2012

Tank- Madewell on sale right now, Jeans - Target (similar), Sandals - Beverly Feldman (old), Friendship bracelet c/o Gypsies & Debutantes, Black Jade bracelet - personal collection, Silver stripes -Tiffanys (old), Blue skull - Bauble Bar On Sale right now,  silver cuff - personal collection, Sunnies - Ray Ban

I have to give a huge thank you to Sandy and Meggy for this post. Meggy took the pictures for me while Sandy stood off to my right telling me to "pose"!!  "Like this"!!  And as you can see in the last photo I was studying hard!  Haha! They regularly post outfit pictures so I knew I was in good hands.  I had not planned on having outfit pics taken, but when we met last week for the J Crew preview, Meggy insisted she take pictures for me!  We had fun, and I might actually do these a little more regular!
Photos by Meggy

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