
Why Does Monday Have to be Monday?!

August 13, 2013

It's late on Monday evening and I am editing my little heart out.  I have so many photos to share with you from outfit post, to all the pictures I took at last weeks Go Blog Social  event that was right here in Kansas City. I can't wait to share them this week, but for now I just have to share a few gems I have my eye on!  

That my friends is the first statement necklace that I can honestly say I would wear.  Erin wore this on day two of the bloggers conference last week, and I actually threatened to push her down, grab it off her and run!  Yes, I love it that much.  Now If I could only find it.  J Crew is sold out of it, and I and not sure I can pay full price for it at Net A Porter!  Does anybody know where I can score this for a great price?  Help a sister out! It could be my first statement necklace here peeps!!  Please and Thank you! 


The 2014 calendar is out and It is super cute! 

This strappy little number is saying Hello fall! Its available in several colors too, but this is a beautiful khaki color. 


What do you have your eye on right now? 

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