
Fridays Findings

September 13, 2013

Happy Friday!  Do you have any great plans for the weekend?  The weather is suppose to be beautiful and I intend to take full advantage of it.  Maybe spend an afternoon on a patio with my guy enjoying some vino, and a little window shopping.  I have several collaborations in the works so there will be lots of picture taking too!!

I really want these shoes with the cute little bows.

I picked this scarf last night on my way home and wore it today to the office!

My love for bracelets has no end and this fabulous one needs to be added to my collection!

I like to curl up on my love seat and watch a few shows, especially in the fall when it get dark so early.  This throw is perfect and I love the color!

This is a perfect blouse for work!

Ordered a new flavor of these Dharkan and can't wait to try them!

Well,  hello cute little peep toe!
Have a great weekend!

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