
December 19, 2013

A little zebra here, a spot of calf hair there, and a healthy dose of leopard!  I must say, I love a wild animal wardrobe!

iPad case  Scarf   iPhone Case  Spiked Cuff  Loafer   Sweatpants  Handbag  Coat  Bootie  Coat  Heels 

Love this roundup. No really, love it!  The bag, oh yea, and the bootie and coat?  Sign me up!  Anybody need my ship to address to send any of these lovelies my way I will be glad to oblige!! Its almost the weekend!! Woohoo!

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  1. I love the track pants best! I really need them. And i've been VERY good this year! xo

  2. Rawr!!!! Some very cute picks except the phone case strikes me as a little odd. It has a tail?! :) Also if/when you do obtain all these wonderful items, I'd like to see a pic of you wearing them all at once.

  3. I love everything, especially that iPhone case.


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