Life Update
I originally had an outfit post to share today. I know... it has been forever it seems. I thought it would be difficult getting back in front of the camera and sharing, but Gab and I fell right back into to routine! She is the best at making it easy to pose for! Yesterday was a 12+ hour day for me and I really didn't have the energy to edit photos last night. The good news is tomorrow I will share them and I will let you in on a little secret... there is another giveaway with tomorrows outfit! eekkk, your gonna love it all! A few more of my favorites for sure!
I have been super absorbed in redecorating my master bedroom. It was on my list of 50 I shared here. The room was painted last weekend, the new bed arrived yesterday, I purchased a floor mirror, and I scored a fabulous mirror console that fits perfectly. I am finally looking at upholstery for my Grandmother's barrel chair I mention here, and here. Now I need to start adding the accessories like lamps...I love these, these and these. I am loving this rug at Lulu and Georgia. Joe has agreed that I can add pink to the room... so throw pillows with pink are definitely in order. I love this, this, and this pillow! So many fun decisions to make!
This week has been amazing slow it seems and I cannot wait for the weekend to work on the design of my bedroom some more. More shopping please!! The weather is attempting to lighten up and warmer days are added every week. That means more outfit pics finally! What have you been up too? Do you have something to share I overlooked for my room? Let me know your suggestions!
Don't forget... Today is your last chance to enter my Epic V-Day giveaway here!!