Leopard Cami
This is the time of the year in in the Midwest in which the weather dictates your attire. One day you can be in shorts... the next a sweater! This day however was a gorgeous day. I shopped my closet for this outfit with only the cami being a new purchase. If you saw this post on how to build your wardrobe then you know that having the key items allows you to add fun pieces like this cami. While shopping for it I knew I wanted to pair it with this green cardigan, again, another item I had in my closet and the rest of the outfit came together once I started building it in my bull pin! Read what I am referring to as a bull pin here! If you need help or any ideas in starting your own bull pin, just shoot me an email and I will get you started! Do you ever shop your closet to find something you forgot about, or didn't imagine putting it together for an outfit? Share with me your best closet find you forgot... or better yet "lost" in your closet!
Leopard Cami ~ Cardigan ~ Pants (on sale) ~ Heels ~ Sunnies ~ Bead bracelet c/o ~ Tiffany charm bracelet ~ Daphne Pearl necklace ~ Gucci bag Vintage ~Lips Chanel
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