Forever Fierce

February 19, 2018

Happy Monday lovelies!!  It is a great day!  I am so excited to be sharing with you not only my idea of what I think it means to be fierce in midlife, but the ideas of a few thousand other ladies as well! Yes, you read that correctly.  Today is Forever Fierce Day and I have collaborated with 50 other bloggers; who just happen to be fierce sisters!  We all have asked a few friends, neighbors, and even family members to share what they think.  Read all of their stories here #Foreverfierce.  Is midlife the wrong side of 40?  I don't think so, actually I know it's not!  So I am asking you today too... what does being fierce in midlife mean to you? 

Below are the things I have discovered in midlife:

I let go of the drama that people surround themselves with.  I embrace the changes in my body and still rock a bikini.  Gravity is inevitable, but self esteem and pride in your life is priceless. 

Skincare has always been important to me and I continue to take good care of my skin.  Adapting to the changes has just meant adding a few new items! 

Wisdom is grand; with age comes the knowledge that it is sometimes better to observe rather than speak.  Changing my diet has been a huge benefit!  I eat more fruits and vegetables and have cut out processed food.  About 6 years ago I switched up totally and became mostly vegetarian. (With the exception of sushi of course).  So technically it's called pescaterian.  

Happiness is something that you are; a state of mind.  I have been called brave for my journey and I'll take that with my head high!  I was brave, still am actually.  If you read my post, Life Begins at the end of your Comfort Zone then you will see that I may have been down, but I am now back up and empowered!  My passion burns brighter than my fear and I am full of drive and motivation and I won't get in my own way.  Change is always on the horizon and I choose to grow with it.  I will reach again for what is in me.  I will fiercely forge a new path and set out on it - boldly, while making no excuses.  

So, tell me...what does fierce in midlife mean to you?  Click here to join the movement! 

Life Begins at the end of your comfort zone

October 30, 2017
Comfort zones are easy; that's why we stay in them so long.  The "zone" always feels safe and, well, comfortable.   As you all know, I’ve been silent for some time now.  What you don’t know is that, for me, the silence has spoken volumes.  Let me take you back.

Do you remember last summer when I vacationed in Key West and South Florida?  I shared my favorite Key West resort, The Southern Most Beach Resort and Breakfast at the Breakers.  I even extended my vacation by three days before flying home to Kansas.   The beach called to me and I answered. 

In the blink of an eye, I sold my house, downsized by over 50% and ended my relationship of 11 years.  I empty nested, and left alone. . . all. by. myself.  I moved into a condo on the water in Palm Beach, Florida and into the unknown.  Boy, when I do it... I do it big!  I knew what I needed;   I needed to let go of the things and thoughts that were getting in the way of me living an authentic life.  Life's dot to dots don't always connect in a straight line, that's why they call it a journey.  

Know this, the people we surround ourselves with will either raise or lower our standards.  They either help us become the best version of ourselves or simply discourage us.  We all need people in our lives to remind us of our essential purpose and to challenge us to  be better. In Florida, I could count my acquaintenances on one hand but the one that mattered was a 26 year friendship; a sisterhood really.  Today, that relationship has ended as well. 

Throughout my six month journey, people changed. But more importantly, I changed.  I witnessed events and behaviors that were toxic.  I gained a whole new understanding of the term "frenemy".  I stepped back.  In doing so, I was able to see what was broken.   I made no fan fair, fuss, or statement of my feelings; I quietly pulled away, even to the point of passing her in public without her awareness.  On several occasions, she mentioned that she could see I was slipping in my sharpness for details No, I just wasn't allowing her to see that I was as sharp as ever.   I purposefully did not have any clear conversations regarding my position.  After all,  it was a moot point.  I know, I know, not my style, right? I just didn't need... or want to work on mending it any longer.  I was done.  Without the poisonous relationship surrounding me, I started to grow.  Unfortunately, the growth didn't come without grief.

Oh, how I have grieved the past year.  I grieved for a friendship that would not, as always thought, last a lifetime.  I grieved for the mother role that I had lost as a result of empty nesting and the move.  I grieved for my relationship of eleven years, my love, my best friend.  I grieved for the life I had built for myself and my family in Kansas.  Every day I would put on my favorite play list and walk the beach and when that was done, I would float in the water for hours on end.  Surrounded by strangers, I cried millions of tears into that ocean.   I needed to be alone without really being alone.  That was what my soul needed. 

Where am I now you ask?  Simply put, I am in a better place.  It has been a journey, and will continue to be one, but I know I am where I am supposed to be and I know I am here for the right reasons.  You see, while I was physically in Florida for those 6 months, I could never get my heart to make the same transition.  So,  I packed myself up again and moved back to the Midwest.  I close on my new house in a few days and I am already in my second month at my new job.  I stayed in healthcare, so that at least went smoothly!   I have missed you and my blog but know that stepping away was necessary.  Would I go back and do it differently?  No.  I truly believe that things happen for a reason but now I am ready to come back to you!  The emails, texts, pm messages and comments I've received are appreciated more than you will ever know.  I have always loved this little corner of my world and can't wait to take you back to Peridot Skies.  xo  

Juggling Act

April 05, 2016

Okay, so here's the deal.  I have been so busy trying to juggle everything  that something was bound to drop and posting to my blog was it. There are so many things going on with The Blog Guild and spring events and behind the scenes things we are working on that I can't share yet.  Spring is such a busy time for me.  Work is crazy,  hopefully after today it will calm down.... and the weather finally turning nice has even had me working in the yard.  

Guys I feel bad for not posting the past few weeks regularly, but I have some pretty fun outfits I have been working on and will be sharing this weeks favorites with tomorrows regular Wednesdays Wants.   see ya back here tomorrow! 

How To Leverage Your Skills

February 29, 2016

New content can be challenging at times. We all go through periods where we draw a blank on ideas or fresh content; whether you are a veteran blogger or a newbie.   I have been blogging for 4 years now and have had my share of writers droughts but one thing that helps me when I am feeling uninspired is to write about what I do know.  For example, I am asked frequently how to tie a blanket scarf or any scarf for that matter.  You would think with all the tutorials out there and with so many bloggers sharing this there would be no shortage of this type of information.  Well my friends, there is always someone who can learn from something you have to share. 

Maybe you have a killer pie crust recipe (I do, and I am sharing it later this spring) or you have a special technique in how you organize.  What ever your skill and knowledge may be it is worth sharing with your audience.  You may take it as second nature, or it seems too obvious (How to tie a scarf) but if you look at it objectively it is knowledge that can create great content, better know as leveraging your knowledge.  For example, I mentioned my pie crust recipe I am going to be sharing soon.  I am pretty darn certain a lot of you know how to make a pie crust.  If you don't, I know you know where to purchase a crust.  But through trial and error and a summer filled with crust after crust I learned a few things that really do make a difference.  

Perhaps you are a beauty blogger and you have a few tips on how to wing your eyeliner.  Sharing a step by step tutorial could be helpful.  Think about a few things you do that seem simple but you have  created a shortcut.  Write about it even if it doesn't align perfectly with your blog.  Sharing great advice is always appreciated and welcomed.  Do you have tips on how to take better photos? Share... share... share!  The greatest benefit to leveraging your knowledge, which is your skill, is you are creating great content.  Everyone loves a tutorial, DIY, or how-to and by sharing it most likely will help your SEO and be shared and re pinned. 

Maybe you just discovered the tip or talent yourself.  Don't over think your skill or tips.  It can really be as simple as packing for a week with only a carry on, to how to paint horizontal stripes on your wall.  So...what tips, skills, or techniques do you have to share? 

Weekend Updates

February 09, 2016

Well it's Tuesday and I am still playing catch up from this past weekend.  We (The Blog Guild) hosted our first Style and Shoot workshop that I have only talked about a hundred times here the past month or so, and it was awesome!  If you want to see some of the photos our attendees have already shared just search on instagram for @theblogguild.  We had a full house and everyone had such nice things to say about the afternoon.  At least a half dozen attendees asked if we would hold another Style and Shot workshop soon.  To me that was a sign of success.  We are going to discuss that option for sure at our next meeting.  In the mean time I want to thank everyone who attended, anyone who had to listen to me go over my list a thousand times to make sure it was perfect and everyone who follows me on snapchat and watched the event unfold and all the prep work!  It was worth the work!  

I spend last night writing thank you cards and preparing my Valentines to deliver.  Thanks to Hallmark and their Signature Hallmark line of cards for making the delivery of my cards so pretty, and not to mention my #gsd note pad to keep my list of task in order for the week!   Tomorrow I am bringing you this week's edition of Wednesday Wants and it's full of my favorite neutral!  Wanna guess what that is? Oh... and you won't want to miss Thursday's outfit. I am sharing a local designer that I think you will like.  

Sharing your Knowledge

January 29, 2016

#Community over competition...  those three words are important in the blogging world.  Really it can apply to about any situation but we are gonna focus on blogging.  I think this is a topic we need to discuss.  Sharing your resources doesn't have to be treated like a national secret.  I know a lot of bloggers who would guard their contacts as trade secrets. Then there are the other group of bloggers who will gladly share a contact with you to help you grow your own blog or business.  Here's a little something to think on.... there is enough to go around for everyone.  Sharing your contact isn't about cornering the market.  It's more about fear of losing something you have placed value on.  Sure, maybe you did a lot of leg work to find the right PR firm for your prospective collaboration, or it took you 6 months to finally get the company to respond to you. You worked hard for that contact.   I'm not saying give every single contact you have away but I am saying it's okay to share. 

Now lets talk about sharing.  How do you chose who and how to share your information, and how much of it do you ultimately decide to share?  You have probably been asked to share a contact with a fellow blogger.  Learning from others along your path to success is important. Sometimes learning from their mistakes is your take away!  It's a game of balance.  

 Don't hoard your contacts - I like to think there are enough collaborations to go around for everyone. Now I know not everyone thinks this way.  In fact there are several bloggers I know who would not share a contact with you.  Given the right, or actually wrong situation I wouldn't share my contacts either.  What is a wrong situation?  Glad you asked.... 

What if someone you hardly know reaches out to you and starts picking your brain?  What do you do then?  I suggest you set up a coffee date and get to know the other blogger.  Build a relationship that will be mutually beneficial for both of you to share information.  Who knows, it may turn into a fabulous partnership!  Get to know the person and see if it's genuine or you're just being used.  Send them packing if they are just using you!   If she was only after your contacts and not interested in you .... then you could politely decline to share and set some boundaries for any future contact.  Maybe tell her you charge a consultation fee for your expertise and guidance.  If she is genuine she will pay your fee.  I know many bloggers that are generous with their time and information.  One of the reasons The Blog Guild is successful is because we love to share with our members.  In the end, you want to manage your time to the best of your ability. 

Comfort Zones -  Step out of yours..... no seriously, step out!  You will find there is so much outside of what seems easy comfortable and safe.  Build relationships with others in your community and start sharing knowledge.  It's literally that easy. 

Write a Post -  Write a post and answer your most frequently asked questions.  I bet you are asking yourself how this apples to sharing knowledge?  Say you took a great class on photoshop, or you attended a conference.  Those are resources and information that you could mention and link to with your experience on this page.  Then by creating a FAQ page to your commonly asked questions this will ultimately save you time.   Refer to it in your post as needed and when you receive questions again you can politely direct them to your page. Talk about a time saver. 

Generic Declines - Better know as canned responses, we have all received them so I suggest you at least personalize it to the brand you are declining. Have a few drafts lined up and then tailor it to fit your needs.  Remember, you don't want to turn down a PR firm, you want to turn down the one particular brand the firm is wanting to collaborate on.  Maintaining a relationship is important for future collaborations.  I am a firm believer in building relationships.  

Okay so now you spill the beans.  Do you share your knowledge?  How do you share your knowledge?  Do you have any time saving tips to share on becoming more efficient?  

There's enough to go around! Help build someone up because someday you just might need a little help! 

5 Tips from a seasoned blogger

January 26, 2016

This month marked my 4-year anniversary as a fashion blogger.  I use the word fashion loosely as I remember not wanting to be in front of the camera for the longest time.    I can remember reading tons  of blogs late at night on my computer. The inspiration I got from reading and following so many wonderful blogs ignited a fire in me to want to do just the same. Create and inspire.  Funny thing is, the blogs I am talking about I no longer read.  They were pivotal in inspiring me, but when I truly got into what I wanted my blog to look like it was far different from how they blogged.  Better know as finding my own voice.

Right out of the gate I declared I was not the least bit interested in standing in front of the camera and sharing what I had on.  Nope.. no way... it wasn't happening.  Then somewhere along the way you meet a great group of other local bloggers and they are all taking photos for each other and next thing you know BAM... you are smack dab in front of the camera.   I was hesitant, scared, and unsure I would even share them at first. I started out quite simple with  only a few pictures of what I was wearing. But when the numbers started to grow, it was an intoxicating feeling and I loved that you all loved it as well.

I don't believe there is just one correct formula to becoming "successful" as a blogger.  There are however a few lessons I have learned over the course of my time here at my little corner of the Internet that has helped make my brand the best it can be.

Don't give Up -  I know that seems ridiculous to start with giving up as the first lesson but trust me... you will want to give up.  You will become frustrated and feel defeated many times. Remember why you started blogging in the first place and continue to feed your passion.   Don't fall into the trap of keeping up either which takes me to the next lesson.

Just Be You - Staying true to yourself is what makes your blog unique.  You want to stand out not blend in.  If you are always trying to keep up with others and thinking their grass is greener, stop it!  Let your personality shine.  If you're goofy let it show, and occasionally be a bit vulnerable with yourself you will garner a more genuine readership and it will all be because you were authentic.  Discuss what you love and know and It will keep them coming back. 

It's Time to Engage - (Bonus points if you know the movie that line is from)  One of the most important lessons and forms of mutual relationships is communication.  Answer questions, leave genuine comments on others post and pictures.  Let your readers know you are really out there and care about their thoughts and comments.

Inspiration and Motivation -  Have you ever sat down to write a post and come up empty?  I have.  It sucks.  Hitting a creative roadblock and coming up with original content can be difficult sometimes.  Stay fresh and pleasing to your readers is what keep them coming back.  Research a topic, or browse pinterest or magazines for inspiration for what you want to share.  Just remember... be original it pays off.

Tools of the Trade - Investing in the proper gear will help you take your blog serious.  Now I am not saying go out and spend a fortune on a bunch of equipment,  but do think about your composition and quality of pictures. Quality of quantity.   Fine tune what you do have to work with and as you can afford it purchase a good camera, editing software, a background and anything else you need for your type of blogging. 

Do you have any tips to share? Leave them in the comments. 

How to Navigate within a Blog Post

January 14, 2016
With my new site design and re branding launch I wanted to share a couple of new features here on the blog and wanted to let you know about them!  Here's a look at what's new and what you can expect to find around here.   I have been wanting to share a post like this for some time.  Bloggers take for granted that anyone knows how to navigate around a blog; let alone a post. I am guilty of believing the same thing until enough people who are NOT bloggers asked me something as simple as to where to locate an item I may be wearing in a post or how to sign up to receive the post in their email.  So, today I am breaking down a blog post and hopefully answering all your questions.  What better time to show you around then with my shiny new design too!  
The top pink bar is the navigation bar.  This is where you will be able to return to the home page, learn about me and find out how we could work together.  There is also a link sharing everywhere I have featured on my instagram - both outfits and links.  To the right of the navigation bar are all my social icons.  Click on any icon coordinating with my social media and it will take you right to my instagram, twitter, Pinterest, etc.  The little magnifying glass will open up a search bar for you to search for anything that has been on my blog.  For example, type outfit into the search bar and every post I have labeled with this will show up for you to read. 
Now we move into the body of the post.  There is a pretty little "pin this Gem" (the picture of the peridot), located on each image to help you save something you like to Pinterest.  Here is a helpful bit of information that I am constantly asked about, under each post, whether it's an outfit or a favorites collage, there will be a list of the items listed out like I have shown.  Sometimes it is the actual name of the item, ie: top / Hat / Jeans..... or other times it may be numbers that correspond with the favorites 1 / 2 / 3 etc.  If you click on the item name or number it will take you straight to the item in the picture.  Makes it pretty easy for you to find what I have shared, right? If the exact item is no longer available, I will try my best to link to a similar item and mention that in the description for you so you will know it is not exact.  
Under each post will be a bar giving you the option to read the previous story or the next post if this is not the newest post.  There will also be a "You might also like" with images of posts that are similar to the current post you are reading.  Click on one and catch up on some fun styles or ideas!  
 Now let's move down the right sidebar.  Remember earlier when I mentioned the sign up to receive posts straight to your email?  Well, type your email address in this box and hit submit.  You will receive an email verification.  Once you do, you will need to follow the instructions to make sure you're not a robot and shazam.... a new post arrives via email every time I post.   Maybe you saw something on my instagram and you want to know where to find it, click on my "shop the feed" and it will direct you to my LiketoKnowIt page.  

One of the newest features is pretty awesome - the new commenting form.  So many times I received emails with comments because the old format didn't offer you good enough options to comment on the post itself.  Good news is there are several options to log into the commenting form without having to jump through any hoops and you may now leave me all your comments right here!  I can't wait to read what "nice" things you have to share and any questions you may have.  I am looking forward to helping you as much as I possibly can with your questions and comments.  
I hope this has been as helpful as possible.   I really tried to think of anything I wanted to know four years ago when I started reading blogs. Leave me a comment if you have any questions. ;)   

Reflecting on Blog Goals

December 28, 2015

It's hard to believe that 2016 is just around the corner.  With every one's calendar full with holiday parties and festivities sometimes we forget to take a look at our blog goals.  This is the opportunity to take a look at your blog goals and assess what worked and what didn't.  Having a blog business plan is important and if you did write one at the beginning of the year now is when you should re-visit it.  If you don't have a blog plan well that's okay too, next week I am going to show you how to create your blog plan.

  • What goals did you set?
  • Which goals did you meet?
  • What didn't work out and why?
  • Is your vision still in alignment with your goals?
Falling short of your goals doesn't translate into failure.   I think people give in to feeling like a failure for not obtaining the goal.   Maybe you just need to tweak a few things and put that goal onto your new years goals.   I am going to share one of my goals from this past year and yes, I did not reach it.  I set a goal to have 1K instagram followers by the end of the year.  Seemed simple enough right?  Yeah... that didn't' happen. I currently have 905.  Close, but not there.  Life happened and I got busy at work and then forgot to post what was going on... etc, etc.  When November rolled around and I could see that the possibilities of having a 115 sincere followers didn't seem obtainable so I took a look at what I could do differently to help my goal.  Reaching my goal wasn't as important as what I learned along the way.  I took a look at what I was doing and made a few changes and started noticing my following engagement not only changed but grew.  (If you don't follow me and feel so inclined to, you can right here)  Maybe halfway through the year you decided you wanted to work with brands and take your fun blog to the business level only to find out you really didn't want to after all.  That's okay.   But what I did learn was that this is my blog/biz and I will and can tweak the plan along the way as I see fit.  Being able to look at written goals helps you keep track with where you want to be in 12 months. The race isn't the run, it's in the journey. 

Take a break during the end of year hustle and bustle and spend a quite moment with your blog plan and your goals from both the last year and the upcoming year.  But let's also applaud you if you did reach all your goals!  Pop some corks and celebrate, you deserve it!   

Pin this for later and refer to it as a reference once you have time to really spend some time reflecting.

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