My New favorite timepiece - JORD Watches

November 29, 2016

We are in full swing for the holidays here.  I am gathering up ideas and lists from my boys to be sure they are happy on Christmas Morning.  Every year for as long as I can remember, my mom asked each one of my siblings and me for a list of our wishes for Christmas.  I continued that tradition with my kids and no matter how old they get they still supply me with a list of wants.  I have a few hard to buy for people on my list as always but this year I have a couple of great and unique ideas in mind for them.  JORD Watches reached out to me and sent me this gorgeous Zebrawood watch.  Yes, you read that correct... it's made of wood and is such a unique watch. 

JORD watches offers a selection for men and woman with just about any picky gift recipient sure to be pleased. I personally selected the Zebrawood with the champagne dial.  I love the grain detail in the wood, and the lighter faced dial will be such a versatile accessory to style all year round.  If color is more your style, then there are several to choose from as well.  Arriving in its very own wood box with a mini drawer to stash any removed links or trinkets, all you would need to do is add a ribbon and a bow and your gift is ready to place under the tree!  Because I like treats as much as you do, I am offering you a little help getting your perfect JORD watch under your tree this year.  You will receive a $25 e-gift code towards your purchase when you click here and sign up. But hurry, the gift code link is only open until December 18th and expires February 28, 2017. 

Wooden Wristwatch

Top  //  Jeans  //  Shoes  //  Bead Necklace  //  Coin necklace  //  Hope Anchor wrap bracelet  //  Handbag  //  Jord Watch c/o  //  Bead Bracelets

This post is linked up.  See my link up page for all the links I love.

This post was sponsored by JORD Wood Watches, however as always all opinions and thoughts are my own.

Vacationing in Key West

August 18, 2016
While I have several other outfits to share with you from my trip to Key West and Palm Beach, I want to share with you today a little of the trip itself.  As I have mentioned before, Gayle and I have been best friends for over 26 years.  We were married within a few months of each other, we were pregnant with our second child within 4 months of each other, and well believe it or not, got divorced within a year of each other.  So when we talk about what we have been through the other can truly relate!  Through the years there have been many girl friends of ours that have wanted to capture the essence of our friendship. Weather it was with one of us, or their own friend, we couldn't duplicate it for them.  A treasured friend who knows you is something everyone should have. 

We have taken many girls trips over the years.  There were road trips to Dallas a few times and Atlanta, and then we took other trips to Las Vegas and Acapulco, not to mention the numerous times we traveled to Mexico City and Taxco. When we first started talking about me coming to visit Palm Beach a road trip was almost immediately in the plans. Both of us beach lovers.... it only seemed right to go south to Key West.  We weren't settling on Key Largo or Islamorada either.  We wanted the full trip down to the southern most point!  It was only a four hour drive too!  I flew in and we spent the first two days in Palm Beach.  Early Monday Morning we headed out on our road trip!  If you follow me on snap chat then you saw what a trip it was too!!  The one constant in our relationship is laughter; there is never a shortage of it.   We enjoyed the scenic drive across all the causeways and bridges and arrived in Key West before noon. We had no reservations and only a plan.  Typical us! 

A little travel tip:  If you show up in a resort location and walk in for a room the chances of scoring a great bargain is almost guaranteed. Here's the thing, you walk in and ask for a room and they check availability.  Once they tell you there is a room you can begin to deal with them.  The room would have been empty without you as a walk in so to book with you is better than it remaining empty!  We ended up with a full ocean view room in a mini suite with a wrap around balcony for less than half price!  Not a bad deal at all!  We even had our resort fees and parking waived and  complimentary beverages pool side for our stay! I will share the resort we chose in another post. 

 We spent three days and two nights in Key West and it was wonderful.  We enjoyed Duval Street in the morning for a stroll and breakfast, the pool in the afternoon, and then back down Duval street for dinner and people watching!  It's a great place to people watch! 

 For sunsets it doesn't get any better.  You get to watch the sun rise over the  ocean horizon and then it set in the evening dipping into the ocean again.

 People line up about 45 minutes prior to sunset to watch this beautiful display and you can see why. There is something magical to watching the sun set into the ocean. 

Tomorrow I am sharing another favorite vacation dress!  

Beach Bound

July 29, 2016
I am officially on vacation and on my way to the beach! If you want to see what we are doing you can follow along on snap lisa.murie for shenanigans that will not be here on the blog or my instagram!  I rounded up a few rather important items every beach lover should take with them.  A good hat to block the sun from your face and top of your head is important.  I am taking two and looking to purchase a third while I am down there!  Not that anyone plans on a sun burn, but being prepared is important if you do burn a little. Doesn't this after sun soothing spray sound perfect?   Of course, what would a beach trip be without a darling swimsuit.  I have packed my new suits and can't wait to enjoy the sun.  After a full day in the sun this Aerin Mediterranean Honeysuckle soft scented body wash makes you feel so good with your sun kissed skin.  If you have a few places to stop off at before headed in from the beach then this pom pom cover up is the perfect little stand in for a summer sundress.  
One of the most important things I feel in my bag is always a lip moisturizer and a sun block for my lips.  This sugar petal fresh has the prettiest pink for your lips.  Sandals are a must for summer outfits and a cute espadrille that laces up is on point right now.  Drawing up the end of this round up is the hottest trend, off the shoulder.  This off the shoulder top will make you feel great about the little kiss of sun you picked up during the day for a few cocktails and fun times with your friends in the evening.

1  Hat    2  After sun body mist    3  Suit   4  Body Wash   5  Coverup   6  Sugar Tinted lip Treatment  7  Espadrilles   8  Top 

Red white and Blue

July 04, 2016
Happy 4th of July!  What does everyone have planned for today?  We have a full lineup for the grill, and fresh fruit for a batch of my Wolfgang Puck Sangria!  We may be wading in our Hunters with all this rain, but at least there is not as much concern for firework fires!!  We, I say we, because I think the guys felt that if I tagged along it would make it okay for them to buy a bunch of loud fireworks.  They started the festivities a tad early and set a string of blackcats off in a bucket last night!  Oh my gosh, what a ruckus.  The only thing told them was "don't be the annoying neighbor with a bunch of obnoxiously loud fireworks".  Thank heavens we weren't!  The neighbor at the end of the cul-de-sac took the prize for being obnoxious; and it's not even the 4th yet! 

Regardless of the weather and the noise I am ready for the holiday with my patriotic outfit!  I have let my hair grow out and love it but it does tend to be pulled up or back with the heat!   My red bandana kind of gave me a Rosy the Riveter look don't you think?  I am hoping for a full side braid on the beach later this month!!  Keep an eye out for plenty of beach pictures and a few fun collaborations I have scheduled to shoot while in  Florida!  Oh.... and those squinty eyes are why I generally wear my sunnies in pics on bright days!! 

Shorts  // Striped top  // Converse  //  Bandana  // Sunnies  // Flag Scarf //  Earrings 

This post is linked up.  See my link up page for all the links I love.

Fourth of July Style

June 23, 2016
I attended an event this week and the theme was celebrating the fourth in style.  Can you believe the 4th of July is just around the corner?  Where has this year gone?! There will be celebrations on my street with a few bangs, but mostly low key noise makers.  Undoubtably there will be someone around 11 shooting off a roman candle.  What's a neighbor to do, right?   Every year I volunteer to make my famous Wolfgang Puck's Sangria to share and all the neighbors love it!

These distress boyfriend denim shorts are pretty comfy however, I think they may be a little too sloppy for me.  I prefer a better fit rather than a baggy short. They are perfect for weekends and lounging and super comfy,  but I would opt for a regular fit distress denim for going out and about. What do you think about girlfriend jeans?   My red white and blue flag scarf is festive for sure and on sale right now.  

Scarf  //  Shorts  //  Tee  //  Bracelets  //  Watch  //Sandals (Similar) //

This post is linked up.  See my link up page for all the links I love.

Wednesday Wants / Father's Day Edition

June 08, 2016
This weeks editions of Wednesday wants is a fun one for Dads!  Who else struggles with what to get the men in your life? Sometimes when they seem so easy to please and low maintenance it is a bigger struggle!  Here are a few fun ideas that is sure to please any guy!

1  Fitbit  // 2  Bose Bluetooth speaker  //  3 Ray-Ban Clubmasters   //  4 Baseball hat   //   5  Armour IPhone case  //  6   Adidas Sneakers  //  7  Belt  //  8  G Shock Watch  //  

Blush Pink and Peonies

June 03, 2016
Happy Friday!  It has been a whirlwind of a week.  Between Monday was a holiday, events during the week and well.... sunshine, I am looking forward to this weekend!  I have a list too long to count of emails I need to respond to, pictures to edit, and with a forecast of nothing but sunshine I feel compelled to work outside all weekend! I am continuing to shop my closet and exploring the countless outfits I have created.  This tank is from Madewell two years ago, and my shoes are last season but they have a few great options currently.  The shorts are new this year and super comfy.  My blush Banana Republic jacket is from early last fall and it was so popular it sold out in no time.  I hate there are not any good options to link to for you to create this look from your own closet, but I was able to find a few blush jackets that are similar.  If blush isn't your color, substitute it out for your favorite jacket.
Style Tip:  Throw a heel on with a pair of shorts, add a few key pieces of jewelry and your outfit just elevated itself. Oh, and add a bunch of gorgeous peonies and you're good to go!! 
Enjoy your weekend lovelies and I will see you back here Monday with a recap of my Chanel event I attended, what I discovered, and what I purchased.  

Shorts  //  Tank   //  Jacket  sold out (Options here and here)  //  Pink Pumps sold out (Love these and these)  //  Sunnies  //  Necklace( Options)  //  Watch  //  Lipstick  //

Today I am linking up with Tania on Wednesday’s Wardrobe.

Weekend Updates

February 09, 2016

Well it's Tuesday and I am still playing catch up from this past weekend.  We (The Blog Guild) hosted our first Style and Shoot workshop that I have only talked about a hundred times here the past month or so, and it was awesome!  If you want to see some of the photos our attendees have already shared just search on instagram for @theblogguild.  We had a full house and everyone had such nice things to say about the afternoon.  At least a half dozen attendees asked if we would hold another Style and Shot workshop soon.  To me that was a sign of success.  We are going to discuss that option for sure at our next meeting.  In the mean time I want to thank everyone who attended, anyone who had to listen to me go over my list a thousand times to make sure it was perfect and everyone who follows me on snapchat and watched the event unfold and all the prep work!  It was worth the work!  

I spend last night writing thank you cards and preparing my Valentines to deliver.  Thanks to Hallmark and their Signature Hallmark line of cards for making the delivery of my cards so pretty, and not to mention my #gsd note pad to keep my list of task in order for the week!   Tomorrow I am bringing you this week's edition of Wednesday Wants and it's full of my favorite neutral!  Wanna guess what that is? Oh... and you won't want to miss Thursday's outfit. I am sharing a local designer that I think you will like.  

Valentines Gift Boxes

January 19, 2016
Gift boxes have been around a long time.  I don't know about you but I generally think of gift boxes as a corporate gift.  Well welcome to the new gift boxes.  These gorgeous gift boxes with hand selected items makes the perfect gift.  I don't know about you but I would love to receive any of these.   Valentines Day is right around the corner and this year why not send a gift box?  It is such a unique gift and with so many options to choose from you're bound to find the perfect box.  Below are a few of my favorites.  A few companies offer fresh flowers when delivered local, and others offer free shipping.  What ever gift line you choose from below you will most assuredly be pleased with your gift; not to mention the recipient.  How cute is the bkr bottle in Velvet Crates box?  Check out the other boxes each of these companies offers.  It really is a one stop gift.... flowers, chocolates, and a little gift all wrapped up pretty. 

The Velvet Crate  //  2  Blue Bonnet Lane  //  3 Valley Brink Road   //  4 Treatsie

Merry Christmas

December 26, 2015

As I look back over the past year I can't help but be joyous with where I am today.  Re branding was something I have wanted to do for a while but needed to really define what I wanted my brand to stand for.  I think we accomplished it beautifully.   It stands for everything I love and inspire to share with you.  Clean, simple, and always a splash of pink and a pop of leopard!  It's about the beauty you want to share with the world.  Embracing your flaws and imperfections because lets face it, we all have them and we only begin to truly shine when we don't let it hold us back; rather help us grow.  I appreciate every one of you for supporting me, encouraging me, and making me want to share everyday with you the best I have to give.  Blogging is a lot of work and takes a lot of time to curate and create great content.  Working full time and blogging almost full time has been challenging sometimes; but I would change a thing.  I love my little blog and hope you will continue to ride the ride with me as we head into the new year.  Merry Christmas and I can't wait for an even better 2016!  

Christmas Eve PJ's

December 10, 2015
I remember growing up and opening presents on Christmas morning was always a joy.  What isn't always a joy is looking through photos of you as a kid on Christmas morning and looking like a hot mess.  When I had kids I started the tradition of letting them open one gift Christmas eve.  It was always the same..... new PJ's for the morning.  Ha, I got away with them thinking it was something awesome for a few years; then they caught on to me.  I still carried that tradition on until my boys moved away and started their own families.  What warms my heart is they have now started the tradition with their boys.   

So today's post is about looking great for old Saint Nick on Christmas Morning!  Because lets face it..... we all want the instagram life right?! 

Piped Silk Nightshirt  /  Print Joggers  /  Lake PJS /  Heart Print PJ bottom /  Printed Flannel pants /  Thermal Pajamas

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