This month marked my 4-year anniversary as a fashion blogger. I use the word fashion loosely as I remember not wanting to be in front of the camera for the longest time. I can remember reading tons of blogs late at night on my computer. The inspiration I got from reading and following so many wonderful blogs ignited a fire in me to want to do just the same. Create and inspire. Funny thing is, the blogs I am talking about I no longer read. They were pivotal in inspiring me, but when I truly got into what I wanted my blog to look like it was far different from how they blogged. Better know as finding my own voice.
Right out of the gate I declared I was not the least bit interested in standing in front of the camera and sharing what I had on. Nope.. no way... it wasn't happening. Then somewhere along the way you meet a great group of other local bloggers and they are all taking photos for each other and next thing you know BAM... you are smack dab in front of the camera. I was hesitant, scared, and unsure I would even share them at first. I started out quite simple with only a few pictures of what I was wearing. But when the numbers started to grow, it was an intoxicating feeling and I loved that you all loved it as well.
I don't believe there is just one correct formula to becoming "successful" as a blogger. There are however a few lessons I have learned over the course of my time here at my little corner of the Internet that has helped make my brand the best it can be.
Don't give Up - I know that seems ridiculous to start with giving up as the first lesson but trust me... you will want to give up. You will become frustrated and feel defeated many times. Remember why you started blogging in the first place and continue to feed your passion. Don't fall into the trap of keeping up either which takes me to the next lesson.
Just Be You - Staying true to yourself is what makes your blog unique. You want to stand out not blend in. If you are always trying to keep up with others and thinking their grass is greener, stop it! Let your personality shine. If you're goofy let it show, and occasionally be a bit vulnerable with yourself you will garner a more genuine readership and it will all be because you were authentic. Discuss what you love and know and It will keep them coming back.
It's Time to Engage - (Bonus points if you know the movie that line is from) One of the most important lessons and forms of mutual relationships is communication. Answer questions, leave genuine comments on others post and pictures. Let your readers know you are really out there and care about their thoughts and comments.
Inspiration and Motivation - Have you ever sat down to write a post and come up empty? I have. It sucks. Hitting a creative roadblock and coming up with original content can be difficult sometimes. Stay fresh and pleasing to your readers is what keep them coming back. Research a topic, or browse pinterest or magazines for inspiration for what you want to share. Just remember... be original it pays off.
Tools of the Trade - Investing in the proper gear will help you take your blog serious. Now I am not saying go out and spend a fortune on a bunch of equipment, but do think about your composition and quality of pictures. Quality of quantity. Fine tune what you do have to work with and as you can afford it purchase a good camera, editing software, a background and anything else you need for your type of blogging.
Do you have any tips to share? Leave them in the comments.
- January 26, 2016