Wednesday Wants / Father's Day Edition

June 08, 2016
This weeks editions of Wednesday wants is a fun one for Dads!  Who else struggles with what to get the men in your life? Sometimes when they seem so easy to please and low maintenance it is a bigger struggle!  Here are a few fun ideas that is sure to please any guy!

1  Fitbit  // 2  Bose Bluetooth speaker  //  3 Ray-Ban Clubmasters   //  4 Baseball hat   //   5  Armour IPhone case  //  6   Adidas Sneakers  //  7  Belt  //  8  G Shock Watch  //  

Tulsa Oktoberfest

October 30, 2015
Did you think I fell off the radar?  I have been traveling the past 5 days added an extra day to my plans and when I got home it has been non stop busy catching up.  I went home to Tulsa for Oktoberfest and to see my boys who were all in town visiting as well.  It was a wonderful weekend with all three of my boys and all of my grandsons.  And yes.. that is my son and grandson in their Lederhosen.  German runs deep in my family. 

I have been working on something exciting for the blog and can't wait to share it with you.  I have plenty of pictures to edit and post to share with you so expect me to be back to a full week of posting on Monday.  In the mean time... here is a snapshot of my week and weekend and TGIF! 

White Denim Cutoffs

August 04, 2015
Today I'm sharing day two of my trip.  What do you do when it rains in California?  You go shopping of course!  We hit up Fashion Island again for some shopping.  We cruised thru the LV store only to fall in love with this neverfull MM lined in rose ballerine.  Then a stop by the YSL lipstick counter to try on color 49. (too bright for me)  then on to the sunglasses.  He picked up these Clubmasters, while I picked out these Celine sunnies!  Love them.  They are so light and I love the gradiant lens. We grabbed a bite to eat then snapped a few outfits on the sidewalk.  The sun was just starting to go down so we headed back to the beach.... Thousand Steps beach!  Taking a few more pics.... well just because we are at the ocean and watching the sunset!

Shorts ~ Tank (similar)~ Bag ~ Shoes ~ Hat c/o ~ Cuff Bracelet ~ Leather bracelet c/o ~ Sunnies ~ Jean Jacket ~  Nail Polish

Traveling The Pacific Coast Highway

July 28, 2015
My first full day in California we decided to hit up the beach, then take a drive up the Pacific Coast Highway.  Also know as Highway 1 this major North South highway runs along most of the pacific coastline of California.  Know for its scenic views of the ocean;  it is popular amongst tourist.  (That was me.)  We headed up to Newport Beach to do a little shopping at Fashion Island and dinner at Fig & Olive


 I have heard great things about this restaurant and was excited when my niece who works for the management company made VIP reservations for us.  We arrived a little early and snapped a few outfit picks before heading in.  We had a wonderful table with a view of the entire restaurant.  My seat was a semi circle booth with throw pillows as my cushions.  Pretty cool.    I ordered the Zucchini blossom and goat cheese ravioli, and the presentation was fabulous.  



 As we waited for our dinner to arrive we were treated to an olive oil tasting.  Each meal begins with a taste of three distinct extra virgin olive oils.  Served with the restaurant's freshly baked Rosemary olive oil fougasse bread we delighted in the sampling.  My favorite was the Fig and Olive Arbosana which was sweet, fruity and creamy.  They have an entire website dedicated to their oils and you can purchase them here.   




Tank ~ ShortsRopes bracelet ~ Sandals (On Sale) ~ Hat c/o ~ Tassel necklace (Very Similar and this one is cute ) I found the same necklace on the website but no link.  I suggest going into your store and looking for it ~ Belt ~ WatchSunnies ~  Lips ~ Nails

Thousand Steps Beach

July 27, 2015
Hi guys! I'm back from my trip to Dana Point and Laguna Beach California and I am finally back to Midwest time!  I was tired for a few days and had a lot of laundry and unpacking to do.  I also have hundreds of picture to go thru and edit but there is so much to share!  We took outfit pictures almost everyday with the exception of the one day it rained in California.  Can you believe it?  It never rains in southern Cali and one of the days I am there it rained!  I must have brought it from the rainy Midwest.  You're welcome Cali!  

In case you didn't know... or I hadn't actually mentioned, my youngest son moved to southern California and I went out there to visit him and help him get settled into his new surroundings.  He is adjusting well to being a surfer, and his tan; I 'm jealous!  Everyday we spend some time on different beaches he had explored and wanted to share with me.  By far my favorite beach was Thousand Steps.  Tucked away in southern Laguna, it is well worth the hunt finding the entrance.  We went to this beach on more than one occasion but the name is a telling sign.  There isn't actually a thousand steps but...there are over 500 steps round trip.   

As you descend the stairs you begin to catch glimpses on the ocean and the beach.  The stairs themselves covered with a thick canopy were fairly steep and surprisingly full.  There was a steady stream of people all day and early evening each time we were there.   I was amazed at the number of surfers and families with a days worth of beach gear hiking these steps.  My calves burned on my second trip up the steps.  When you reach the beach you realize the journey was worth the view.  Surrounded by sheer cliffs with beach houses high on the hills you wonder what it must be like to live with gorgeous views from every window and on every day.  These cliffs are what capture the cove that makes Thousand Steps beach.  There were a few, maybe two beach houses that actually sat on the beach itself. I could have gone everyday to this beach but two things stopped me.  1) It would have been too brutal for me to drag him every day to the beach for endless hours of sunning, and 2) I don't know if my legs could have climbed the steps 5 days in a row.  Here a few pictures from our days on Thousand Steps Beach. 














I could be packed and ready to go back tomorrow!  

Toes In The Sand

July 17, 2015
I made it to California finally.  It was a long day of travels and full planes; but worth every minute.  Leaving the hot and humid Kansas to Warm and sunny beaches was a perfect plan.  As soon as I got my rental car and my hotel room, I wasted no time unpacking.... heck my clothes had been rolled up all day, what was a few more hours!  I drove to my son's house and we headed straight to the beach.  The sun was already down but it was wonderful all the same!  Have a great weekend.... I know I will!  

Happy Friday! 

Things I learned being a Mom of all Boys

June 19, 2015
I have several friends that are Moms to all boys!  Boy oh boy, I can relate to these Moms!  In addition to being a Mom of three boys, I also have three grandsons.  So, I have a pretty good understanding of how life happens with all boys!   I decided to share some things I learned from my experiences.  It's easier to recognize these things now that they have all grown up!  I admit, I am a much calmer, relaxed, and laid back Mimi then I was a mom!  I guess there is something to be said for "you always get to send them home" !

Expect things to be broken.  I remember once having a vase on top of the piano with a floral arrangement in it.  The boys had, at some point, broken the vase but decided to carefully place the three broken sides back together so it appeared to be unbroken.  I was doing my normal straightening and cleaning and when I went to move the vase it neatly and ever so perfectly came apart into three sections.  Of course.... no one knew how it happened!

Plan on the unexpected.  You know the hobby rockets you can find at a craft or hobby store, my boys were fascinated with them.  My brother always enjoyed taking all the nephews out to a field close to my parents home.  Well, boys will be boys and mine sure were curious little guys.  I was in the kitchen when I heard this blood curdling scream and I took off towards their bedrooms.  As a mom, you know the difference between a "I'm hurt" scream, and a "you're not playing fair" scream.  As I rounded the corner, the hall was full of smoke..... now pure panic set in for me!  Screaming still taking place, and my other two boys now in curious mode as well, I quickly surmise the situation and  determine their is no need to vacate the house.  Still not sure as to what just happened, I calm down the screaming child as he professes that he too has no idea what happened!  "So all of the sudden your room fills up with smoke, you begin jumping around, and you don't have any idea how?" Hmmm.... I begin to smell something fishy here!  Clue one) As I look around his room I see these black marks all over the walls, corners, and ceiling. Clue two) Laying on the floor on the far side of the bed is a rocket.  Clue three) When I first came down the hall and found him, he was across the hall in his brothers room standing on the head of his bed against the wall!  Now I have an idea what happened, just not how. It took me a while to figure out all the details but to sum it up, he thought he would try and launch the rocket by sticking each of the igniter wires in the outlet.   I won't mention which of my sons did this stunt but I will tell you his nickname for a while was Rocket Man! 

Clean is a state of mind.  No matter how much you clean and how often they bathe they will be dirt magnets.  Don't fight it... you won't win. Be prepared for bugs too!  Put them in play clothes when you are home or on an adventure and save the picture perfect clothes for just that - pictures!  

No child ever suffered by replacing a holiday meal with cookies and candy. I used to fret about them not eating a healthy meal prior to all the holiday treats and candy.  I finally realized that if they miss a healthy meal and 4 or 5 days out of the year they eat dessert first, it won't harm a thing.

You will make several trips to the ER.  Just that.  There will be dislocated parts, and cuts that require stitches. . .maybe even a few casts.  But if you escape boyhood with only these minor occasions, count yourself lucky! 

There will be love.  One thing is for sure, a brother's bond is a fabulous thing to watch grow.  I wish I could turn back time, if just for a day, to snuggle with these guys!

And if you're lucky.... one day those sweet little boys with dirty hands will grow up to be the best Daddy's to their own little boys.

And even grow to be taller than you too!

It's becoming increasingly harder to get all three of them together to take updated pics, but one thing is for sure..... I wouldn't trade being a mom to all boys for anything!

I hope you all enjoy a wonderful weekend enjoying Father's Day.


January 06, 2015

The greatest app I have recently found!! Chatbooks!  Do you ever wish you could somehow take all those pics from your phone and share them without handing over your phone?   Or what about sharing those same pics with a grandparent or family member that lives farther away?  I know your phones are probably loaded up right now with holiday and New Years pics.   Chatbooks can help you out!  With several options for your book, you can choose what pictures you want to share and Chatbooks does the rest.  I decided to take all the pics of my youngest grandson and create a book.  I had pictures of his first moments of his life and the first time my son held him.  He was the first to hold him, a moment that I knew needed to be preserved. 

Chatbooks is a company that prints your Instagram posts into beautiful 60 page books. Each book is only $6. You can just print a few or you or go nuts and print your entire Instagram feed.  I have 18 glorious months wrapped up in perfect-bound book forever. It is a tiny, treasured time capsule showcasing how much I love this little fella.   Here is the good news...  Download the app (it's free) and start creating your books. 


December 09, 2014

What I love most about the holidays is the traditions.  I remember every year growing up some of the traditions my mom carried out and I have continued with a few traditions for my boys.  We made divinity, fudge, haystacks, and spritz cookies.  I loved helping her in the kitchen if for nothing else other than a sneaky little taste without the others knowing.  One of my favorite cookies to make at the holidays is the Spritz.  A light delicate almond flavored cookie.  When my grandmother passed away several years ago I requested her cookie press.  I know they make new one and they have a handy trigger that "presses out the correct amount" but I never could get it to work better than my old fashion press.  So the new one sits in the box, and with the right amount of twist of the wrist I use my Grandmother's every year.  

I am all about traditions.  I try to instill in all my boys the same.  There is something to be said for have certain expectations.  For example, every year I make home made cinnamon rolls Christmas eve for the morning festivities.  My boys have come to know this and expect them.  My oldest wanted to start the same tradition with his family and asked me to share my recipe with my daughter in law.  That's what I love about the holidays.  The warm memories traditions bring.  Another tradition is cut out cookies for santa.  Every year the boys and I would gather around the table and cut, frost and decorate cookies for santa.  He always had three on his plate, one from each boy!  One year their dad actually informed me "santa really would like to try the fudge dipped oreos"... I told him that was not tradition... and Santa never received dipped oreos!  Haha!  

I enjoy baking a lot this time of the year.  Chocolate, frosting, sprinkling, dipping, and stirring is in full force in my kitchen.   So what do I do with so many sweets coming from my kitchen?  I purchase Christmas plates and fill them up with an assortment of goodies and give them as gifts.  Home made treats make the perfect hostess gift for home parties.  When the plate is empty the hostess has a holiday plate to use again and again.  

With the holidays creeping up on us wouldn't you love to have a little extra spending cash?  I know I would! Weather you have your shopping done, or are just starting,  has the good stuff! 

 If you are a budget friendly shopper, (I know I am) there are gifts for everyone.  If you're not into baking away for a hostess gift (like me),  has hostess gifts galore.  Do you have a hard to buy for on your list?  Yeah, everyone has at least one of those, well there are gifts for the enthusiasts too! 
 The Good Stuff 2014 Holiday Sweepstakes will be for one $100 winner per week and one $500 grand prize winner now thru December 25th.  Just click on the photo above and it will take you straight to!   Now that's something to be merry about! 

*This post was brought to you by but all the traditions are mine and I wouldn't change a one... not even for fudge dipped oreos!! 

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