5 Tips from a seasoned blogger

January 26, 2016

This month marked my 4-year anniversary as a fashion blogger.  I use the word fashion loosely as I remember not wanting to be in front of the camera for the longest time.    I can remember reading tons  of blogs late at night on my computer. The inspiration I got from reading and following so many wonderful blogs ignited a fire in me to want to do just the same. Create and inspire.  Funny thing is, the blogs I am talking about I no longer read.  They were pivotal in inspiring me, but when I truly got into what I wanted my blog to look like it was far different from how they blogged.  Better know as finding my own voice.

Right out of the gate I declared I was not the least bit interested in standing in front of the camera and sharing what I had on.  Nope.. no way... it wasn't happening.  Then somewhere along the way you meet a great group of other local bloggers and they are all taking photos for each other and next thing you know BAM... you are smack dab in front of the camera.   I was hesitant, scared, and unsure I would even share them at first. I started out quite simple with  only a few pictures of what I was wearing. But when the numbers started to grow, it was an intoxicating feeling and I loved that you all loved it as well.

I don't believe there is just one correct formula to becoming "successful" as a blogger.  There are however a few lessons I have learned over the course of my time here at my little corner of the Internet that has helped make my brand the best it can be.

Don't give Up -  I know that seems ridiculous to start with giving up as the first lesson but trust me... you will want to give up.  You will become frustrated and feel defeated many times. Remember why you started blogging in the first place and continue to feed your passion.   Don't fall into the trap of keeping up either which takes me to the next lesson.

Just Be You - Staying true to yourself is what makes your blog unique.  You want to stand out not blend in.  If you are always trying to keep up with others and thinking their grass is greener, stop it!  Let your personality shine.  If you're goofy let it show, and occasionally be a bit vulnerable with yourself you will garner a more genuine readership and it will all be because you were authentic.  Discuss what you love and know and It will keep them coming back. 

It's Time to Engage - (Bonus points if you know the movie that line is from)  One of the most important lessons and forms of mutual relationships is communication.  Answer questions, leave genuine comments on others post and pictures.  Let your readers know you are really out there and care about their thoughts and comments.

Inspiration and Motivation -  Have you ever sat down to write a post and come up empty?  I have.  It sucks.  Hitting a creative roadblock and coming up with original content can be difficult sometimes.  Stay fresh and pleasing to your readers is what keep them coming back.  Research a topic, or browse pinterest or magazines for inspiration for what you want to share.  Just remember... be original it pays off.

Tools of the Trade - Investing in the proper gear will help you take your blog serious.  Now I am not saying go out and spend a fortune on a bunch of equipment,  but do think about your composition and quality of pictures. Quality of quantity.   Fine tune what you do have to work with and as you can afford it purchase a good camera, editing software, a background and anything else you need for your type of blogging. 

Do you have any tips to share? Leave them in the comments. 

Blog Planning for the New Year

December 30, 2015

If you're like me you have more than the end of the year on your mind.  There's new years eve, sale shopping, un decorating, and lets not forget blogging.  I know what you're thinking.... I can't add one more thing to my plate right now. Well now is the time to  get re-inspired, brainstorm new ideas and type of content you want to deliver to your readers in 2016. 
Today, I thought I’d share some of the items I’ve included in my new 2016 blog plan, and how you can write one of your own.

I broke it down into manageable bites to make it easier to customize it for your own blog. 

Why?  The most important question in blogging.  What is your own personal take away from blogging?  If you answered this with "I want to quit my day job and have a viable income to support myself", or " I just wanted a place to share all my fun ideas and be creative", then you have the why!  When you started blogging it may have looked drastically different than it does now for you so think carefully about what it is you want in the coming year.

Now that you hopefully have the Why...... take a look at your blog and take open notes about what you like about your blog and what you want to see change.  I'm not necessarily talking about designs either.  I'm referring to content as well.   Make a list about what you would change; maybe it's the sidebar content, or your sponsorship, whatever you see write it down. Don't stop just with the visual part either.  Your social media is very important and if you are wanting to step up your game you need to make it part of your blog plan.   Determining the look for your blog in the new year will help you see your blog plan better.

You have the Why; now lets talk abut the what.

What worked this past year for you and what didn't turn out so well? Look for any connection between the why you blog and what works for your blog.  If sponsorship is important and you want to make money then you have a direction. It worked for you!   If you tried it and it wasn't any fun because so much in involved working with brands then you cross it off.  This makes your vision for your blog much easier and you can align yourself with your goals. 

The Planning Phase

Hopefully by now you have a clearer picture of where you want your blog to go and taking it there should be much easier; now to get down to the details.

Mission.  What is the mission for your blog?  Do you have a mission statement? If not you should.  For example a part of the mission statement for The Blog Guild is to create, connect, and collaborate. You can read the entire mission statement here.  Having a mission statement will help with your blog vision.

Creating Content.  Part of your plan should include a list of your topics and categories.  Maybe you have an entire tutorial you want to share.  Break it in to sections and create a series.  Start making a list of all your topics that would be relevant to your blog brand.  Some of mine are fashion, style, beauty, and DIY.  Once you have your categories then break it down even further into sub categories. For example under beauty there could be product reviews,  beauty tips, organic products.  You get the idea.

Education.    So let's say you want to add beauty to your blog in the coming year but you don't feel like you are 100% on your tutorial.  Better educate yourself on the topic.  Watch you tubes, make appointments at cosmetic counters; you can pick up some great tips from the ladies at the counters!! Practice.  Before you know it you will be ready to start sharing.  Make that part of your blog plan to set a deadline for when you will integrate the new topic on your blog.  We will talk more about your blog plan with your editorial calendar later. Take a photography class. Sign up for a workshop, or maybe there is a conference convenient you can attend.  Use the tools you have available to up your game.  Did you sign up for The Blog Guild workshop?  It's the perfect way to start off your new year and learn all about pretty images to share on your social media and flat lays. And Since we are speaking of social media that brings me to our next topic. Take a photography class. 

Social Media.  There are so many ways of sharing and how and what you share is equally important.  Engagement is critical.  Being available to your followers is important.  Try to answer questions and thank someone when they ask a question or comment.  Let them know you appreciate them.  Decide what you want to post during the week and have all your pics edited and ready to go on Sunday evening.  I had a plan this past year to grow my instagram following; watching the followers grow was exciting.  Increase how often you post.  If you are not posting every day then start.  If you can aim to post 2-3 times a day, but if you're not even posting daily then shot for once a day to start with! Engagement is critical for your current followers as well as potential new followers.  Brands like to see you engage and are always checking so if you are planning to, or currently monetizing then keep this in mind. That brings me to the next topic. 

Monetizing.  Pay attention to this one, its tricky.  If you are already monetizing that's great.  If it's working good then see what you can do to step it up.  (See previous paragraph regarding social media and posting regularly) If you want to start this year monetizing there are platforms like Reward Styles for your blog and Like to Know it with instagram, there is also ShopSense but I don't work with them so I am not familiar with them but know several bloggers who are successful with them.  You can reach out to brand and pitch an idea to work together. Be precise with your pitch and what you expect from the brand and what you will deliver.  Get it in writing is always important. I recommend you research the legal aspects to income streams via blogging and make sure you adhere to the disclosure laws.  If you do choose to work with brands this is something you would add to your blog plan with your financial expectations and show how much you would like to make each quarter and how you will make it. 

New plans.  Ok, so we have pretty much covered everything bit growth.  Your plan is great and it sustains you for the year but you have to add new projects for growth.  There are several ways to increase your audience. Do you currently have a newsletter?  Entice your followers to sign up by letting them know you are sharing things different than what they find on the blog.  Again, attend a workshop to learn a new skill.  I can't tell you how much I value the investment to attend a I Heart Blog Shop class.  I learned how to really use photo shop and it increased not only my skill level but my confidence in my layouts.  Did you sign up for The Blog Guild workshop yet?  You can find out more about it here. 

So are you ready to start planning?  You can write it out however you want. I am a paper kinda gal but Paper, word, Google docs, whatever works for you.  Don't worry, your plan will look different from everyone else's.  It should be unique to you!  There are other elements you may incorporate into your planning.  Traffic, networking and creating connections to only name a few. 

Taking the next step.  Research the class you would like to take; signup!  Block some time and explore with your camera and learn all about what you can really do with it.  Look in your community for other local bloggers.  We have a fantastic network locally we all connect with; The Blog Guild. 

Stock Photo Workshop

December 22, 2015
Can you believe we are in the final countdown to 2016?  This year has gone by so fast.  So many great and exciting things happened this year.  I shared how to use the color wheel here, and the perfect pattern mixing guide here, and the biggest thing to happen this year; the launch of The Blog Guild.  You can read about our launch party here and learn more about who we are and what we do here.  You will see we added our first affiliate city already too.  St. Louis has now launched their own The Blog Guild St. Louis and if you are local to that area you should contact them and join.  I know they have something planned for early next year too.  Speaking of plans.... we have our first workshop of 2016 already planned and we couldn't be more excited.  You don't have to be a member, or even a blogger to benefit from this workshop; you just have to want to make pretty images.   Tickets are already selling fast and we want to make sure you get yours.  Add this to your Christmas list or tuck it in your stocking for yourself.  You won't want to miss this I promise!


It's been in the works for awhile now, and now we're so excited to share our very first workshop as The Blog Guild with you. Shoot + Style: Stock Photography Workshop is the title, and we're partnering with some amazing peeps including, The Bloom Academy, and River Market Event Place just to name a few. 
This will be an in depth event with tips on curating, styling, and shooting your own original stock photo flat lays, as well as hands on work time to create your own images. You'll be leaving with some great knowledge, and actual photos you can start using right away for your blog or social media. We hope you guys will join us for what will be the first of many amazing workshops with The Blog Guild! Find out more and get tickets here: http://www.theblogguild.com/#!workshops/c1cv8

Instagram Happenings

October 12, 2015
Happy Monday!  How was your weekend?  Mine was busy and productive, but never long enough! Today I am sharing a few favorites from my instagram account of what's happening there.  Do you follow me on instagram?  There are exciting things I am working on behind the scenes in my office and my blog so stay tune for that announcement.  It is finally cool enough to wear my favorite booties.... and found the perfect amount of distress on a new pair of jeans for under $60.  Sharing my favorite lipstick color and tortoise sunnies.  There is something to wearing this pink color even in fall that just makes me happy!  OH, and it's #Pinktober and that means Breast Cancer Awareness and lots of pink!

Distressed Denim ~ Booties ~ Sunnies ~ Favorite Lipstick ~ Monogram Necklace ~ Pink Clutch ~ Python Cuff c/o~ Ropes Bracelets c/o ~ Hot Pink Celine Necklace

Friends and Family Sale

October 07, 2015
Here is a sale you won't want to miss.  Starting today through next Tuesday October 13th, Graphic Image and GiGi New York is holding their Friends and Family sale offering 25% off site wide.  Simply use code WEAREFAMILY at check out and your discount will be applied!  Now get to shopping! 

I picked out my favorites and share them below.  I am loving #1 and # 2, and I own # 4 which is the best tote ever.  My datebook is a Graphic Image and I already have my 2016; in pink and monogramed ready to go! 

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

How To Shop With Groupon Coupons

July 30, 2015

It's no surprise I like to shop and shopping online is no exception.  Like most shoppers I also want to score the best deal possible.  Did you know Groupon offers coupons to some of your favorite place to shop?  Yes you read that right Groupon has coupons.  Unlike Groupon, there is no upfront purchase required to reap the benefits of saving.  Offering over 55,000 coupons  and promo codes totally free for the shopper, Groupon Coupons partners with more than 8,000 retailers to pass this savings on to you; top stores like Nordstrom, Express, Macy'sJC PennyNike and the list goes on. Taking a trip?  Search the site for deals with one of their partners Expedia, Hotwire or Travelocity.  I just returned from my trip to California and used Expedia for my hotel deal.   Rather shop in person?  you can also print some coupons off and take with you.  Many of these coupons are exclusive to Groupon Coupons. 
When you first open the webpage you will see their top coupons and offers. Who knows you may find deal you weren't looking for.  If a specific store is how you would rather shop, type the name in the search bar and it will bring up all the stores current offers.  I almost always search for an extra discount or coupon when shopping online.  

  I am a huge Nordstrom shopper, and Express.  If you remember this past fall I raved about my favorite pair of jeans, dress slacks and Portofino tops which are all from Express.  Adding a Groupon Coupon discount only makes my purchase that much nicer.   While I no longer have back to school shopping to do for my kids.... I do want to take advantage of the sales as well as the end of season sales.  Adding an additional discount to already sale items is a no brainer!!

Here are some tips for finding your savings:

Go to Groupon Coupons 

You may search by store or category

If you don't find a discount for your item, look for a free shipping offers.  Sometimes that in itself is a 10% savings!

Shop around for your specific item and compare savings with other stores offering the same item. 

Watch for when the offer expires so you don't miss the deal

 Ready to start saving?  Check them out and let me know what you think! 

This is a sponsored post but all expressions and opinions are my own not to mention the numerous post of me wearing my Express jeans. 

Life Updates

January 16, 2015
Hi guys.  So I have been a little hit and miss ever since the holidays.  I'm sorry... not sorry.  It felt great to take a break and just absorb the time off from work and blogging.  Sure, there were nights I would think about picking up my laptop and start posting but I enjoyed my "me" time so much it rarely happened.  I have however, been working on a few things behind the blog that I hope you guys love as much as I do.  I want to tell you about a new series I am launching next Tuesday.  It will become my How To day sharing all my DIY's with you from how to create a gallery wall, to making perfect cut out cookies!  I am still going to be sharing my outfits and favorites, and just about anything else that suits my fancy on the other days of the week too!
I have been working hard discovering new designers and products that excites me and a few collaborations that are amazing! 

So here is a phone dump of a little bit of what has been going on.  You may have seen some of these pic if you follow me on instagram already! 

I know its the middle of January, but this was my December.  We had an ugly sweater contest at our company luncheon and this is what we decided to wear. There were 18 ugly sweaters in all and  I won second place, but only behind by one point!

Some of the sights from around my house.  These boys playing batman on my office floor was so fun to watch.  Their little imaginations reminded me of how my boys use to play with them as well.   My grandson had corrective surgery on his legs and was in full leg cast for a month then switched to these half leg cast.  Poor little guy.  He was a trooper just pulling himself along refusing to use the wheelchair!   My new Blair Ritchey PAK..... love this bag, and a whole jar full of bath bombs!  Velvet crates hand delivered a gift box I won to my home and it was fabulous.  Ummm I need more of that funckychunky Sea Salt Caramel for sure!

A little tribute to all my monograms, my desk ready for the new year, A few new goodies arrived in the mail I will be sharing soon, and of course... on the last day of the year... and it being a Wednesday... We wear pink!

Blanket scarfs, and more blanket scarfs!

Here's to Friday and a great weekend!  See you back here bright and early next week!  xo 

KC Blogger Meet Up Fall Workshop

September 12, 2014

If you are a Kansas City bloggers then this is for you!   The first ever KC Blogger Meetup workshop is coming up and there are only a few tickets left!!  It's about ways we can all beautify our blog.  Learn from our inspirational speakers - blog design, structuring your post, and photography styling, taking and posing. 

With only a few remaining spots left you will want to sign up soon.   No event would be complete without awesome swag bags (Valued more than the ticket price), awesome giveaways, and an inspirational speaker from a local brand you will know and love!
You can read more about it & purchase a ticket right here:

Let me know if you have any questions and if you have suggestions on topics... we would love to hear them also!    We hope to have more workshops on various topics coming up and look forward to seeing you there!

Purchase your ticket here.


Dorm Room Essentials

September 08, 2014
School is officially back in session.  Your home is quiet and empty.... well for some at least!  If you're one of those that sent your daughter, sister, or maybe a niece off to college, right about now she is making new friends, hustling to class, and learning to live away from home for the first time.  Scary times for some, and others adapt like it's no biggie!  Sending her a care package with a few thoughtful gifts would brighten her day and let her know... hey you may be gone but not forgotten!! I always love receiving unexpected packages in the mail.  My mom recently came across a stack of letters I wrote to her when I was at summer camp and almost every single letter I asked her to send me candy! See... it started early for me! Here is a roundup of a essentials she will be happy to receive and her dorm mates will be jealous!

BKR ~ Scarf ~ Tote ~ Planner ~ Pen, stationary, punch ~ Converse ~ Starbucks 

Shop this post below!

West Elm

August 21, 2014
Last night I had the privilege to attended a preview party for the new West Elm opening today on the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City.  There were sips and bites and mingling and mixing going on for sure.  But what was really going on was shopping!  I love West Elm and am so thrilled we finally have a store local.  I love that they support local artist and designers and collaborate with them in their stores.  My friends, the girls  at Ampersand Design Studio have their designs in the store!  Congrats girls!!  Take a peek below at some of last nights favorites and festivities, and of course a few item I have my eye on as well!

West Elm-elm-decor-decorating


Shop this post below! 

Weekly Favorites

August 20, 2014

This weeks favorites is an eclectic assortment of sorts, but favorites for sure!   I recently ordered new business cards and this metallic card case would be perfect for them in my bag.  While we are on the subject of bags... can we stop and just love this cross body?  I love it, and as you know I have been searching for a great cross body that is versatile but still super stylish!  Love this and it comes in several colors too!  

I know by now you have seen this tee around... And for some of you I'm sure its a true statement.    This is a graphic tee I would definitely put on to run errands on a weekend looking super cute but a little bit sassy too! !  Love it!  This charm bracelet reminds me of one my mother wears.  It has always been a favorite of mine when she wears it... even though I am sure it must be heavy, not to mention, you are not at all quiet with it on either.  I definitely have this in my want list and every time I wear it i will think of my mom!  Now I know several of you have starting thinking of fall, and there is a piece of me that is a teensy bit ready too.  I love slip on shoes, and my favorites are mules.  These take the cake!  Absolutely love the detailing in gold on them and could get in the mood for fall at lot faster in these babies!  Happy Wednesday! 

Shop this post of my favorites along with a few other below! 

Linking up here too!

My Office

August 14, 2014

I'm finally ready to share my office space with you.  I know I have mentioned it several times and I have even shared little sneak peeks before.... but today you get the whole shebang!!!! Welcome to my office, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!  I linked to all my product sources at the end of the post but If I missed something please let me know and I will try to recall the source for you. I posted here how we painted the striped wall.  I still love it as much as I did the day we did it to! 




I recently completed the gallery wall next to my desk.  I had been gathering things that I loved for some time to hang on the wall and finally earlier this summer I felt happy with how it was coming together.  I hung them with the help of my bestie over the 4th weekend.  I love how I have just the right amount of space still on the wall in the event I come across a little something to add!  This is where I spend a lot of time working when I am at home.  We just love the space and the feel in the room when we are both working.  We placed our desk back to back to open up the room and it allows us to work facing each other rather than backed up, or side by side.  You can clearly see the invisible line down the room form her side... to his side....Ha!  There is a TV mounted on the wall in the corner up behind his desk so when we are taking a break from working at our desk we can catch a little something to watch.  The only thing that is left for this room to be complete is to find the right window covering.  I am leaning towards a pair of clean sheer white panels.  What do you think? Color on the window or white? There is a large picture window to the right of this image below as well as the one you can see. 




I have collected paperweights for many years now and have them displayed in this antique curio cabinet that belonged to my grandmother.  My mom always finds uniquely detailed paperweights in Europe when she travels to add to my collection.  There is an art to blowing glass and not every paperweight is a collectable. 







Thanks for being patient with me while I worked on this room.... It has been a labor of love indeed for me! 

Prints ~ Be Present / Lips / Gold Love / Neon Heart / Leopard Heart (I Made) / Dull Your Sparkle Print / Heart Paint chip art ( I made)  /  Paper Flower ( I made)

Pillows on love seat ~ Both floral and scroll handmade by me / Mongolian hair pillow/

Shop this post below! 

My Readers

August 01, 2014
When Readers.com contacted me asking If I would be interested in working with them I didn't hesitate at all.  I wear readers daily.  As a matter a fact I have them strategically placed through out my house too.  I have worm glasses or contacts since I was in middle school and didn't have a need for readers until I hit my 40's.  Somewhere around 42 I was stretching things further and further back to read.  Now, it is the first thing I reach for at my desk to start my day.  Readers.com has some of the cutest styles and I coordinate my glasses to compliment my outfits!  They have become a daily staple for me to work at a computer all day so they better be cute! 

You can always find a pair  on my head if I am not wearing them too!  Check out these darling readers.com glasses with the floral and the  pink leopard temples! 

So what about all the times I am not at the office?  When I get home in the evening to work at my desk at home you can bet there are plenty of readers around.

I always have several pair hanging on my glassybaby as a cute way to keep them handy on my desk.  

And for those evening I work from my laptop... yup you got it, more readers on my night stand.  This crystal jar was my grandmothers and I use it to hold my readers, hand cream and a little lip balm neatly on my night stand. I am all about keeping my readers.com glasses handy and displayed cute.  

So when I say I have glasses strategically placed all around my home... I mean it!  See?  There is even a pair by the kitchen sink.  You wouldn't believe the number of times I have tried to read some label printed so tiny an ant would have difficulty!  Readers.com is definitely where I will be going to add more readers when I need them!  

*Readers.com sent me glasses for this post to use. All opinions are mine and I am never without a pair of readers... or two!  I would never recommend something I didn't trust or believe in and I love my readers for sure!  

Favorite Phone Apps

May 21, 2014
If you're like me... you rely on your phone for a lot.  Most of us would feel helpless without are phone at our fingertips.  With so many apps it's confusing as to what you want... verses what you would actually use.  Here are a few of my favorite apps I use frequently.


Picframe ~ Perfect for making a collage of your favorite photos with tons of layouts to choose from.  

Over ~ This is a great app for adding text to your photo.  You can also buy add ons to this app and get a wider selection of fonts.

Snapseed ~ This app is great for color correction, adding brightness, and warmth and contrast.  It's like a teeny tiny mini version of photo shop on your phone.... tiny I said!!

Squaready ~ Ever take a pic of something fabulous only to find it is too large of an image for instagram to show the entire picture?  Well this my friends is the app for you.  It takes any photo and proportions it down to size for the entire image to display in instagram.  Love this!!

Starbucks ~ This is for all you coffee lovers.  Having this app on your phone eliminated the need to carry your Starbucks card.  Just show your phone to the clerk and they scan your bar code.  It keeps track of your stars, your balance, and you can even reload your card from the app!  Who goes for coffee and doesn't have their phone with them anyway???

Shazam ~ I have to give my son credit for this app.  I was always asking him "who sings this song?"  in the car and he would get so tired of me always asking for him to remember what I liked.  This app listens to a clip of the song and searches for the artist and name of the song.  Then, when you have time you download the songs you liked from the iTunes store!

What are some of your favorite go to apps?  

Graphic Image NY

February 07, 2014

I  keep a journal, a place to write down my thoughts, plans and dreams.  Its not a national secret journal, but I also wouldn't want every one have great ease reading it either.  Graphic Image has teamed up with me to share the sweetest, most colorful journals for you or your sweetheart! Featuring a fully functional heart shape lock this elegant journal includes 240 lined cream-white, acid free archival pages.  The pages have a gilt edge and a there is a double faced cream satin ribbon marker. 

 These journals would make great gifts for graduating seniors for their life plans, new mothers to write sweet notes for her baby to read when they are older, or maybe just a place to write your own thoughts and inspirations.  What a special gift to spend the next 12 months writing letters to your loved one and gift it to them next year! Whatever you use your journal for it will be so special I just know it!!

    I am celebrating sweet gifts the entire month of February… sweetheart month… with you to celebrate my appreciation of you following, reading, commenting, and supporting my blog.  You guys really do make my blog what it is!  Thank you.   So get ready for a month of fabulous giveaways for you!!! 

     Enter to win by following the instruction in the rafflecopter form below and good luck! 

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Gem of the Week

    February 06, 2014
    Whether you are making a list… jotting it down… or sending sweet notes…these are just plain cuteness!  xoxo

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