With Valentine's Day only two days away what better time to wear my je t' aime sweater. It's not really something you can just pullout and wear all the time, so I try to get as much use out of it without overkill right now. It's pretty seasonal I think. The weather is pretty fickle these days... one day its windy and chilly (like this day) and others it 70 and sunny. I am ready for spring. What about you? It seems I have had a busy social calendar these days and I've been doing a bit of traveling too. Once the weekend rolls around all I want to do is chill out! I have a few things on my calendar for this weekend... but after that it's me time! What do you have planned for Valentines? Something adventurous, romantic? Maybe just a low key night with your sweetie? Let me know below in the comments.
Je T aims Sweater ( Love this sweater and these lips) ~ Gingham top ~ Leggings ~ Shoes ~ Blair Ritchey Bag ~ Pearl bracelet no longer available ~ Cuff and leather wrap ~ Watch
Shop this post for these and similar items.
- February 12, 2015